Healing and Redemption in the Alaskan Wild: A Review of On Heaven’s Hill, a novel by Kim Heacox

Kim Heacox’s latest novel On Heaven’s Hill is a vividly written tale of healing and redemption through connection with nature in the wild rainforest of Southeast Alaska. It is a multi-layered story with complex and sympathetic characters—one of them a wolf, the courageous and clever young male Silver. Magic weaves itself throughout the narrative and several subplots about community and compassion.

No Escape: How it Feels to Nearly Die of Heat Stroke

Once you’ve come near death from heat stroke, you will never be the same. Every year since 1982 the last days of July herald a creeping PTSD unsettledness that lurks at the boundary of my consciousness.

Climate Change is a Foundational and Intersectional Issue of Life or Death

In a way, climate change is really the ONLY issue. Because if we don’t get this one right and, at minimum, hold global heating to the 1.5 degrees C agreed on in in the non-binding Paris Accords, none of the other issues that progressives—or anyone else—care about are going to matter.